Dear patients,
In light of the how the COVID-19 situation has transpired, the Aesthetic Dental Group strongly recommends patients to monitor their current situation to minimize risk for themselves and for medical provideers. Although the current risk is deemed low for Canada, we understand that its progression has severe implications and concerns.
Before your visit:
-Do you experience flu-like symptoms such as fever, cough, sneezing, or difficulty breathing?
-Have you travelled within the past 30 days?
-Are you in close contact with someone who is ill and/or has travelled within the past 30 days?
If so, please phone in to reschedule your appointment. If you have plans to travel in the near future, please let our office know as well to help with better communication and information transparency.
During your visit:
-Please sanitize your hands when arriving and before leaving
-Please sneeze/cough into your elbow
-Please put all tissues in the garbage after using and wash your hands immediately after use
Given the severity of the situation, the Aesthetic Dental Group will work towards accommodating your situation.
Feel free to reach our office at 604-879-3308 should you have any questions or concerns.
From the HealthLink BC website: “8-1-1 is a free-of-charge provincial health information and advice phone line available in British Columbia. The 8-1-1 phone line is operated by HealthLink BC, which is part of the Ministry of Health. By calling 8-1-1, you can speak to a health service navigator, who can help you find health information and services; or connect you directly with a registered nurse, a registered dietician, a qualified exercise professional, or a pharmacist.”